Thank Heavens for these super cute QP's from Weeds and Wildflowers!! Sorry to be mia for so long but we have been (thank Heavens) SUPER SUPER busy at the Nursery. Plus my co-worker fell and broke her ankle so JR and I are adding her job to our already busy schedule. But again I say THANK HEAVENS we are busy, we really didn't know what to expect this year with the economy so we are very happy, tired but happy!
We had a HUGE Mother's Day weekend Sale, we open at 9 and had people there waiting at 7:45! YIKES lol. Plus we did Kids Club that Saturday and had kids planting a flower and painting pots for their moms. Memorial Weekend is the next big sale, this is a Kaylie weekend so it is a Play weekend for 'Namie'. WHEW

I just love the outfits Kaylie Picks out, she always grabs her RED COWBOY BOOTS to go with her dresses and I figure this is a time she can pull it off! lol She is trying to be patient sitting on the stairs waiting to go to Church but you can tell she is READY! lol
Thanks for stopping by, I plan on doing some blog hopping this weekend!