Here is our 'rock pile' we have these all over the property and the 1st year we picked up soooo many it was crazy. But each year it is less and less (thank heavens) Dad and I did manage to gather 3 wagons, love that it has a dump feature. Makes unloading it so much easier, plus we found if you don't overload it the wheels won't go flat. ha ha Oh my yes we learned that one the hard way!
Love the way wildflowers grow in such a scattered random pattern. I try an mimic this randomness but it always looks forced. Seems I do not have the artistic flair that God has :)Here is a closeup of these dainty little flowers, they are tiny but in a mass they are quite beautiful. I spent the rest of my day hand watering this years crop of trees, TID comes on the 2nd of May THANK HEAVENS!!! It takes forever to water cause you can't turn the water on to high or it will take all the dirt out of the grow bag and you have to fill it up at least twice. But on a beautiful day it really is a nice mindless way to spend some time outdoors. Well that was my Saturday, Sunday was spent cleaning house. You know the kind where you wipe down all the cabinets and get down on your knees and scrub. Not nearly as nice as being out in the beauty of the day but I sure am glad to have it done!!!