I took this photo Tuesday afternoon when the wind had started to blow. Kaylie was loving the beautiful afternoon and the fresh air! We are going to go to the Pumpkin Patch this weekend so you know there will be lots of photos to follow. Carving pumpkins this weekend too, we will see which pumpkin Kaylie finally decides on. We were gone last week so it has been 12 days since Paul and I have seen Kaylie, she looks like she grew 3 inches! lol Funny how quickly they change at this age. She is now calling herself Kaylie but instead of Kay Lee like we say it with the emphasis on Kay she says Kayleeeee with the emphasis on the eeeee so totally cute.
Journaling Reads:

You are so proud of the pumpkins we grew, you are sure having a hard time deciding which one is yours! Such a windy day, your hair is flying all over the place :) but you don’t care as long as you can play OUTSIDE!
I am addicted to Taylor Made templates and Natali Design word art (as if you can't tell) I love it when designers create things that make my life easier and when their products sort of SING TO ME! lol. I am in the process of going thru the tutorials Amanda (Taylor Made) has on her blog. I love learning how to make the most of my layouts :)
The date up in the corner is by Misty Cato who is such a sweet sweet gal. She puts up some fabulous tutorials on her blog!
Taylor Made Designs: Frame and heart brushes
Foxy Designs: Paper
Natali Designs: Word Art
Misty Cato: Month Labels 2008
Font: SS Play
Totally Rad Action: Yin Yang on Photo
She is so cute! Love the layout and photo - the pumpkins are almost as big as her!
You are having wayyyy tooo much fun with that little granddaughter of yours!!!! I LOVE the layouts you have done... She sure is a special little gal... like her grandma...
Thanks for all the links... I've got to get going on this digital stuff....lol
I can't belive how big she is getting! I read your blog every time you update but for some reason she just looks so grown up in that picture. We are going to the pumpkin patch this weekend too so it will be fun to see your pictures as well!
Oh, and we still have an Oregon trip kinda planned, we just have to wait for the first of the year to roll around so we know what the tax situation is, but I promise to keep you updated!
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