This is what happens when your Daughter and her quad meet up with a surprise razorback at the dunes! YIKES yes she rolled but this and the goose-egg on her noggin were all she ended up with. And yes I will say PRAISE GOD! :)
Look at the lines she ended up with across her eye. Very interesting don't ya think. 
Thanks Amber for being a good sport and letting your Mama take photos of 'THE EYE'
Yikes! I am glad she is okay but that must have been Painful!!!! Tell her it is still no excuse for not updating her own blog and keeping in touch! :)
So glad she is ok. It must hurt tons!
Wow, looks worse without makeup and in a photo! It hurt but it was at the end of our 3 days on the dunes so I got plenty of riding in! It's been two weeks now and the color is still there but just a faded red, not black & purple!
Ohmiwerd!!! Glad to here she's ok!
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