This is the 1st few layouts for 2010 P365

The View from the deck, I think I will do a title page each month to show the changes in Seasons, January the theme is Fog or Wind. Seems like we either have crazy hurricane wind or are fogged in.

Spending time with Friends, Laurie and her family for Breakfast on the 1st and Wine tasting with David and Julie on the 2nd :)

The movie Avatar, simply put was AMAZING we actually saw it for the 1st time with Rocky and Barb in Bend. We loved it so much we decided to see it again with David and Julie.

Kaylie weekend, love the time we get to spend with that little monkey!

I finally gave Dad is Birthday present, almost 2 weeks later! lol

Finally some play time with Amber!
Credits on the layouts Everything by Weeds and Wildflowers except for the acrylic circle and that is Haynay designs.
Love the layouts Brooke! Doing the happy dance that you're caught up so far. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you can keep up when the busy season starts at work for you.
Beautiful as always..
miss you
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