This is Bandon Inn, what a nice little jewel to have found. Great service and a lovely view of the bay out to the ocean!
Paul, enjoying the view and working on a Nursery article, like I said never just doing nothing, that's my honey!


Some hardy folks out on the bay setting Crab traps out so they can have a wonderful crab feed! Oh that really makes ya hungry for some nice fresh crab doesn't it! This was taken off the deck of our room.
OH NO LOOK OUT!!! (insert the

A stop to see Elephant Rock

This is better, you can see the 'trunk' of the Elephant and the ocean coming

Face Rock, either I am not at a very good angle or the nose is wearing down!! ha ha

Time for some yummy fish and chips on the bay. I am not a huge fan of fish and chips but Paul wanted them and they were pretty good. Plus it was nice to be able to sit outside on the coast in April!! Just could not pass that one up :)

The entrance into Old Town, when I lived there it was just downtown! ha ha now they have really fixed it up and made it a fun pl

Now down to the Jetty, I have certain places I always have to see when we go to Bandon and I always have to go out to the Jetty. I remember as a kid there being a Tidal Wave warning and crazy people going down to the Jetty to ummm 'SEE IT' good golly can we say total idiots! The coast guard guys had to risk their lives to go evacuate them. It just ended up being a bad storm but it could have been really bad! Some people just never cease to amaze me!
The Bandon Lighthouse, which is what everyone calls it even though it is really the Coquille River lighthouse. No one would know what you were talking about if ya called it that! I remember going in this as a kid, way before they fixed it up and it scaring the begeezers out of me. It had a big ole hole in the bottom whe

The Jetty and a bit of spray

From the stories I have heard this is one of the worst 'Bars' to cross in a storm! This picture does not really show just how big these waves are. I also remember coming down to watch the Whales here. The story I remember and

Look at how blue the sky i

Here is the Truck all draped in a tarp before we load the Furniture in, since we had spoken with Amber (our daughter) and she said it was pouring for the Pear Blossom Parade. She took pictures for me of Justin (our son) riding a horse as the Lone Ranger. You have to know Justin to know riding a horse in a parade is no big deal but putting on a costume now that is a bit of a stretch for him! ha ha. Oh sorry I sort of got side tracked there didn't I! lol
Anyway we are all ready to load up!

WOW what a stinking huge load! We had planned on bringing the trailer but Justin, who is our local delivery driver for the nursery had a h

Awwwwww the memories.... I love to eat Fish & Chips at what we call "The Blue Shack" But you have to get the Halibut fish !!!Yummy
Now that I can picture your old house I will keep an eye out for it when we go over. We always stay at the best western at face rock, though have stayed across the street at the Windemere , it's nice too. Well guess what we have been doing... looking at pictures of beagle puppies another add in the paper, want a male so are on the look out for one. Did you know they have Beagle "POCKET" puppies?? neither did I, they are quite rare and only get 9 inches at the shoulder. One guy we talked to has one but they are Rare so that means more $$$$$$$.
OK so I am really thinking it would be fun to hook up at the beach with you and yours, keep me posted !!
Great Photos!! I LOVE the beach...... :)
Sounds as though you had a great time Brooke! I haven't been in Bandon in years. So great to see it again through your eyes. :)
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