This is one of my most favorite spots on the way to Central Oregon. We drive by it each time we go up to visit my Brother and family. Love it no matter what season it is. Paul knows how beautiful I think this spot is so he pulled over (without me asking!!) and said let's get out so you can take a picture!!
WOO HOO now how stinking sweet is that?
So the next stop on our little trip was 'The Gorge' another amazing natural spot. Another awesome creation of our Father and more proof of what an amazing artist He is :)! Can you just imagine what the settlers thought when they saw this?
Check out that cave, I tried to zoom in to see if anything was living in it but couldn't see any
sign of life. I laughed and said if something happened to fly out while I was zoomed in I would probably 'fly' myself! lol
I snapped a couple of photos then we took a hike down this little trail, not a hard hike just about 5 miles round trip. But it was simply beautiful, you totally felt like you were secluded. Well ummm except for the cabins scattered here and there. But the only sign of life was a dog and thank heavens he was tied up! Looked like a cross between a husky and a WOLF!! :) So that is the end of our weekend, had a wonderful much needed relaxed time. :)
So pretty, man you havea good hubby!
I think I have taken a picture of that place, is it on the way to Diamond Lake????
And yes it is all BEAUTIFUL !!!
I am so jealous! I envy you so much being so close to all that beauty.We always go east to vacation. The Smokies are pretty but where you are at has it beat! We are going to the beach this year but I am close to changing my mind on that.I keep looking at your pictures, just wonderful!
I am going to show this post to my DH and maybe he will get the hint!I would love to stop and get a photo of yes this beautifull peace of heaven on earth...
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