These photos are from right before Kaylie's birthday party. Justin wanted to make sure she ate before everyone got there so she was not distracted. She is sitting in her new highchair that Papa and Great, Great Gramma Artie bought her for her birthday!
Justin was so cute making all kinds of airplane noises. Kaylie was grinning so much she hardly wanted to eat! One of the funniest parts was how Justin was holding his mouth while feeding her, you know we all have done the same thing when feeding our kids! It was just cute to watch the two of them, I love how much she loves her Daddy!
Credits are:
JannyLynn Brokken - Party in the Playroom kit
Sharon K Staples and Journal stamp from Day Trip Kit
Fonts Joyful Juliana by Kimberly Geswein at Da Font
Atomic Cupcake Pristine chipboard action
Sharon K Staples and Journal stamp from Day Trip Kit
Fonts Joyful Juliana by Kimberly Geswein at Da Font
Atomic Cupcake Pristine chipboard action
So remember those days, love the lo. How was the Birthday Party? Did you get Courtney to send you one of her really cute BD hats? OMG!
So cute, Hey I got the Mega Grab bag so now I need to do something with all that stuff
Great layout, Those pictures will mean so much to your son as she grows up. Reminds me of the good old days.
Hi Brooke! How are you doing? Haven't been here in a while and look at all those new layouts! I especially love the 'Cake Face', lol! Kylie looks so gorgeous! late congratulations to her! Mine was one day later but 31 years earlier:-) And congrats to the first steps!
Thanks for the last lovely comment on my blog:-) My eye surgery went just fine - yes, it was a lasik - and I'm very happy with it! Just getting used to it:-) Have a great week, we're leaving for France tomorrow and will be gone for a week. I'll for sure check in after!
So cute - love the template and all the journaling!
Hi Brooke,
I hope you are having fun seeing all the sites. My dad is doing okay, he came home yesterday(sun.) He had a stroke during surgery so he wasn't able to talk to me on the phone. They still have him down for eye surgery for Wed. but mom said they can just cancel it because they aren't going back this week....I don't blame her.He needs to recover from this before they do anything else....I don't think they will be doing any more surgery for awhile if mom has anything to say about it.
I hope you have lots of fun and get some good pics.I will be looking for them.
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