Thursday, October 4

Outside my box and a FREEBIE

Sorry it is 11:30 and I have to be up again at 5am, I just can not figure out why I keep getting a white background!! Anyone have any suggestions I would love the help! Night-Night

Ok, I am just sitting here chuckling to myself at the word FREEBIE coming from me!! There is probably no one who will want this but at least I am TRYING to share, hee hee hee

Even if no one wants it!! This just tickles me :)

This is once again the view off our deck. I just loved the rainbow and had such a feeling of comfort at seeing it, I always do.

While I was trying to remember the name of the song by Chris Tomlin. I was inspired to REALLY jump out of my box and work on this layout. I have been wanting to dry the photo blending and it was a blast!! Look out because I will be doing MORE of this :) and I know Amber is going to love it too. She has lots of photos with great backgrounds because they go 'wheeling' out in the boonies!

So here is my 1st attempt at sharing something with you all(hee hee all 5 or 6 of you!!). Since I don't have 4 shared figured out and it is just one png file I think (and the key word here is THINK) I can just have it in this post and you can 'right click' on it to save it to your computer. I will give Amber a call and see if she can test this for me. Oh it was created in CS2 but I think since it is a png it will be ok for everyone? Once again that ummm.... THINK.... word comes into play!!

*Edited to add: Just right click on the wordart and do a 'save as' to your computer. It is a png file so it should work. :) OOPS I forgot to save it with a transparent background!! What a dork I am!! I am at work but will fix it as soon as I get home, SO SORRY!!!!

Credits are:
Gina Cabrera: Extreme Grunge Paper Pack Essential which I just picked up because Kayla pointed it out to me!! I LOVE it, I re-colored it so the tones would match my photo but it was super easy!! :)
Jen Caputo: Triple hole scallops
Jen Wilson: 29 & Co Flourish Stamps
Kim Broedelet: Ribbon (recolored)
Natasha Whitley: Photo Action Retro Acid
Word art by me :)


Misty Cato said...

Beautiful word art. The fonts your chose really accent the most significant words very well. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

this layout is beautiful and the word art is amazing - you know I am slow - lol - I couldn't figure out the link- but it is probably just me - I love your freebie and can't wait to get my hands on it!

laura D said...

I love it ! Count me in as one ot your faithful followers heeeheee.

Anonymous said...

Wow, beautiful wordart, and beautiful LO!!! Love it :D

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is out of this world. Hope you will post this is the Gallery at NBP.

Sarah said...

beautiful layout! where in oregon are you?? I'm about to move into the eugene area :)

Carol said...

Beautiful beautiful word art. And the picture of the rainbow is pure magic. I chuckled as I've called myself a rainbow chaser in the past. I'm aiming to capture that one perfect rainbow on film, but alas it eludes me.