Christmas Eve was extra extra special this year at our house. 1st it is the Evening before the birth of our Lord. 2nd Kaylie spent the day with us so that of course was beyond fabulous and 3rd Justin finally had the chance to have Kaylie Dedicated at our Church! We go to a Church here called 'Simple Faith' and it is a Bible based Church, which means the teachings are directly out of the Bible and not mans interpretation. Really it is like a big bible study, our Pastor has a passion that is contagious and he has a silly sense of humor, it fits us perfectly :) He is always talking about the CRAZY CRAZY things he did as a kid, he reminds me so much of Justin! lol We do a dedication instead of a baptism when the kids are babies. Basically an outward sign that we plan on raising the child in God's word and let them choose to be baptised when they are old enough to make that choice themselves. Ok so that is the background for this layout lol 

As most of you know Kaylie's parents split up before she was born and we do not get very much time with her. We are in the process of trying to get more time but that unfortunately is a long drawn out process that I just do not understand. Kaylie is 1 1/2 now and I have never had the chance to just be 'Grami', because anytime we have her Justin of course is wanting time with her. Which I am glad he is so in love with his daughter, don't get me wrong. I guess I am greedy :) and would just time with her too! Ok, this is what happens when I think about this to much, I get all emotional. Best to stay on the positive side and know it will all work out! WHEW I need to have at least one cup of coffee before I do any typing on this blog! Hug your kiddos and even when they are being major pains in your rears remember to smooch on them!
Glitter style on the title by Flergs
Quick Page is also by Flergs from the free Whimsical Wonderland kit
(Flergs aka Megan is one of my most favorite designers!!)
Date stamp by Christy Lyle of the sweet shoppe
Beautiful layout and what a great memory to document it. Your advice is particularly heartfelt by me today as I chase my three youngest around the house - some days the laundry is overwhelming - the housework neverending but I know I am going to miss this chaos someday! My mom is the same way as you are about her grandkids! So you are not alone!
So sweet, I just know the right thing is going to come out of all this, hang in there.
A very lovely LO. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you and your family as you try to get my time with your GD.
Oh wow i'm loveing the new header and stunning new digi pages .
your lil GD is such a cutie pie man awww.And she is the lucky's lil girlie to have you as her grammie.:-)
ok how'd do you do it i've also got flergs glitter but eish mine does not come close to as pretty as yours . pls do send me some tips ok
love fuzzy
well I wanted to say that I know you are a VERY dedicated gradma to Kaylie! I personally thought she lived real close by from reading your blog and seeing all of your comments and LO's about her! :) I didn't know that it wasn't as much as you'd like -- you are great!
Just loved your LO - it was so beautiful!
ps: I'm so glad you stopped by my blog today - I was just thinking last night how I hadn't "heard" from you in a while and was wondering about ya ;) glad to be "back in touch!"
have a great day at chuch~
Whooo...I like those snowflakes...hmm...I think I'm gonna have to be inspired by that and maybe get back into creating teh kit I was working on now!
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