WOW I just told everyone I am going to be 50 this year! ha ha I have friends that are also turning the big 50 this year who have some crazy plans of how they are celebrating! One is going to get her eyeliner TATTOOED ON! YIKES can we say CRAZY or what, holy mackerolie no stinking way! lol
I just plan on doing what I normally do on my birthday, have dinner, spend time with the family and call it good!
This is the 1st layout I have ever done about myself, Michelle Godin was having a challenge (that was a while ago) and I thought I would play along. But I am just now getting this posted. I love the photo of my dh and I on our 30th anniversary, yep we are crazy happy together.
Can you see how much fun Amber and I tend to have when we are together? Yep we have a blast, the route 5 Scrapbooking weekend(the photo of us together grinning like crazy) was tons of fun and they are planning this years to be just as much if not more full of fun!

Journaling reads:
1. Our House(love being out in the country FINALLY)
2. Kaylie, Justin, Fleeta(this was the 1st time Kaylie met Fleeta, they were both quite taken with each other)
3. 30 years of Love(Love that man more now than ever)
4. My 95 year old Grama(I sure hope I have lots of her blood running thru my veins, she has always been my prayer warrior)
5. Vacation trip at Canon Beach(finally got a chance to get away for a short vacation, nice time spent with my hubby)
6. Amber & I at Route 5 (we had so much fun and are looking forward to the next one)
7. Beautiful rainbow off our deck (I will never tire of the view from our deck, winter - spring - summer or fall)
8. Paul surprised me by stopping so I could take a photo of my ‘favorite’ spot. (whenever we drive by this place I always say how I love it, he just stopped one day because he knew I wanted to take pictures of it)
9. Our last time at my Grama’s house (This was a hard trip, the last time we were in my grammas house. she is now in a beautiful new assisted living place. But this was our last tie to Sweet Home and our last time in a home we spent so much time and made so many good memories in)
10. My 49th (and last, lol) Birthday (Birthday at my MIL's house)
11. Papa, Kaylie and Justin (Love that we have so many generations living so close together)12. Trip to Bandon and my 1st time taking the laptop(weekend trip to Bandon to pick up furniture for the nursery)
Credits are:
Template by Simply Yin - Deacon Kit by Flergs - Brushes by Jason Gaylor