We keep things pretty low key for Valentine's day because we are pretty good at telling each other that we love and appreciate them. Now with that said.....
I will share what fun I had putting things together! I snuck (is snuck even a real word?)this into Paul's Lunch Box this morning. Courtesy of the wonderful Aly over at PC Layers(she made 4 candybar wraps!!).
I know the link says Lori Gardener, she has a freebie on her blog to and is hosting Aly's freebie, what a sweetie she is for doing that too!
Then I gave my Dad this one

And Justin, of course got one with a photo of the Love of his Life on it! Yep his cute little girl Kaylie Sue :) This cute wrapper is Courtesy of the fabulous Kayla also one of the PC Layer Gals! You need to check out her blog, I love this Girl!
So when I got to work this morning I gave these to my Mil and Fil:
I snuck this into Paul's desk at work. Well not this one exactly because I (like a dummy) forgot to take a photo of the one I did but this is where I got the download so it was close. But I am sure Celeste's looks much prettier than mine and her photo sure is a heck of a lot better than the ones I took!

This is what I did for Amber Annie :) She is not a big Chocolate fan so I had to come up with something different for her! I got the template free at Prima Hybrid, the idea from Jess Gordan of Scrapbook Ideas and the paper is by Franziska and from the fabulous free Valentine Kit called Love Actually. Which is a super collaboration of some great designers! Bits and pieces from my paper stash that I have no idea who or what except for the Love which is Creative Imaginations Karen Russell. I still hoard my supply of her stuff and I have a ton of it. She just totally Rocks my Socks, she is a BLAST to take a class from too! lol

This is what I did for Amber Annie :) She is not a big Chocolate fan so I had to come up with something different for her! I got the template free at Prima Hybrid, the idea from Jess Gordan of Scrapbook Ideas and the paper is by Franziska and from the fabulous free Valentine Kit called Love Actually. Which is a super collaboration of some great designers! Bits and pieces from my paper stash that I have no idea who or what except for the Love which is Creative Imaginations Karen Russell. I still hoard my supply of her stuff and I have a ton of it. She just totally Rocks my Socks, she is a BLAST to take a class from too! lol

Whew that was a lot of explaining for just a few things! lol Thanks for sharing Valentine's Day with me :) Sorry that my photos were so stinky, I need to work on not having to rush and get them at the last minute!
Wow, these are totally awesome! I wish I had more time for stuff like this. I have always thought the candy bar covers to be a practicle gift that I might do. You done great work girl!
OHHHHHH they all turned out so nice, you have one lucky family, I am pretty sure they do know how lucky they are to have YOU !!
What a lucky family you have! Mine barely got an acknowledgement of the holiday from me. I bought the kids some clearance stuffed animals at the supermarket - does that count?
These are so adorable. Great work with all these treats!
Brooke, what a wonderful, wonderful, super creative and gorgeous way to leave some love on Valentine's for your family, absolutely adorable and an idea that I will keep in mind for some gift occasions to come!! :) Thank you for your kind words and positive comments, too, I truly appreciate it :) Have a great week!
I love seeing what you're working on and doing Brooke! Sure wish we lived closer so I could join you for your crops. Thank you for the inspiration!
Oh you busy scrapper bee you i love all these candy wrappers they too cute.
Thanks the comment in my Tags work!
Your job is great!! kisses Regi Musa
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