Ha ha I took 147 photos of Kaylie doing an Easter Egg Hunt! Don't worry I didn't post them all, but I sure had a heck of a time trying to narrow down my list! I managed to whittle it down to 12 but that was as low as I could go. :)
This was just so much fun, Kaylie was REALLY into the egg hunt. I wasn't sure she would be, especially since it didn't work out for her little friends to come and hunt with her. But she was having a blast, I don't know who had more fun, the little 'muggie wumpus' or the 6 Adults watching her every move! ha ha
She totally started out with a bang. As soon as she saw the 1st egg she was off and running, or wobbling since the ground is a bit uneven out in our field.
Love this, she is saying 'wow' which is one of her words that totally tickles us. There is Auntie Amber and Daddy following her. This is the look Justin has on his face most of the time he spends with his little sweetie, a big GRIN :)
Just look at these Auntie, aren't they COOL!
Hey Dad, I think there is something in here.
Oh wow Dad, do you see all the eggs I have left to pick up!

I had better keep my eye on them to make sure no squirrels get any.
Just a little help pointing out some more eggs, it looks like Justin and Gramps are pointing at different eggs. If you look closely at this photo you can see a bit of candy stuck on her lip!

No way man, these are mine and you can't catch me.
I had better run to the next egg before it gets away!
Come on Daddy and Grampa, I will race you to the next egg!
Hee hee can you believe all this fun! This is another funny thing she has started, she will laugh and bend over in the middle like it is so funny she can't stand it. This is usually followed by her covering her mouth and laughing more, which just causes us to laugh harder!
Hi Grami, I am having soooo much fun! Can we do this everyday???
Hmmmm Gram, I think I had better get a closer look at this one!
Sorry Fleeta, no candy for you but I will give you a little love :)
OK that is the egg hunt for 2008, I did take some video of her too!

But that will have to wait for another day.
I have to agree where are you in all these pictures, she is a doll baby !!!
I know it was 12 photos but I wanted to see more! She is so darn CUTE!! Tina and I are loving it!! Kaylie is truly a joy to be around and always so happy!
So cute! Looks like you guys had a blast.
So precious Brooke! Looks as though you had as much fun as Kaylie. Love seeing your pictures of her.
Oh my...love your dialog with each photo...like a little story book....how cute is she...how funny that you took so many photos....You won't regret it years from now.
Brooke, the easter egg hunt photos are so adorable, some truly wonderful memories, just can't beat that pretty smile!!! :D
Thanks so much for your birthday wishes, and let's just all forget about these meaningless numbers altogether ;) :D
Have a wonderful digi scrapping week!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww she is soo cute!!! Oh she is adorable. These will make some awesome pages!
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