We spent a large chunk of the day in Court again for Justin's divorce and Custody case. Yes it was supposed to be final the beginning of March but his ex decided not to sign the papers. She wanted some changes that were not agreed on during the hearing. But after setting thru the entire morning session, our lawyer had 5 other cases and said she would not be available until 2pm. Even though our lawyer told the other lawyer this, the other lawyer still wanted to put us on the morning schedule. Weird!!
So we rush home to change at lunch time and head to the Nursery for a lunch bbq with the gang for Paul's birthday. Then back home to change back into court clothes and back to the courthouse.
We luckily were the 1st ones on the schedule and it only took maybe 5 minutes. The judge said this should have been brought up in the 1st hearing and he saw no evidence to change anything. So our son is now officially divorced.
WOW this is not something I EVER thought I would be Happy about! 1st I never thought I would be in this spot and 2nd I NEVER thought I would celebrate it. But I am glad to have it over and everything down in writing. WHEW what a LONG drawn out thing.
So Justin will always remember when his divorce was final, on his DAD'S BIRTHDAY!
I could not post without a photo or two of the little cutie! She is such a tough little twerp, one who loves to play in the dirt and yet such a girly girl too!! She LOVES shoes, I mean she LOVES them and jewelry too. She is always asking to put on my shoes and walk around in them.

Wow, what a relief to have it final! Kaylie is so adorable, I love her little feet in the photo and the shoes scattered in the background. That was perfect!
Glad everything went well for you guys! Kaylie is getting so big! Very cute toes... :)
I can really see a change in her, from "baby" to "Toddler", well why not shoes???
Glad the worst of it is over, so now can we get together soon???
Hi Brooke ((hugs)) I am glad that is passed you all and you can move forward now!! Wow...she's gotten so big from the last time I saw her photo!! What a cutie pie :)
Yeah for you! I'm glad its finally done...and what adorable photos...she's worth fighting for!
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