My friend Beth sent me a photo challenge, the rules are:
Go to where you store your photos on your computer.
Go to the SIXTH folder and pick the SIXTH photo.
Post that photo on your blog along with a SHORT story about it.
Tag SIX people and leave a comment on their blog or email them letting them know you chose them.
Only this is the 5th photo not the 6th cause I only had 5 photos in my 6th folder! You really DON'T want to know how many folders of photos I have. Thank Heavens for Carbonite :)

Kaylie LOVES to be all snuggled in our bed for her nap. She will fall asleep in a flash as long as she is cozy and can still SEE me or Justin. Who ever is putting her down for her nap just has to sit at the computer where she can have a straight view and she is off to dreamland. Heaven forbid if you should get up before she falls asleep cause you would think the world had come to an end! lol It is a good time for me to catch up on my Digi Scrapping, it is the ONLY time I get on the computer when she is around.
These are the gals I am tagging, have fun and I will be watching for the photos!
1. Amber
2. Laura Plunk
3. Lauren
4. Liv
5. Teri
Adorable photo, Brooke!! I have a ton of photo folders, too. YIKES!!
TFS....have a fun weekend,
Ok I am on this, just need to get somewhere to have internet....
I have to catch up on tags! This is a super cute shot Brooke.
Nice shot! I was afraid to see what my 6th photos in the 6th folder would be... I'll post mine tomorrow. :)
Here's mine!
Kaylie is such a sweetie! Love this picture of her.
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