Ha ha, I wonder how many times in Kaylie's life I will use that title?? She looks so much like her Daddy it makes me laugh sometimes.
Her coloring is like her Mommy but her Mommy hopes she does not sunburn as bad as she does!
We have so much fun playing with her, I am so happy she is such a happy girl. KWIM?? She likes everyone and is only cranky if something is wrong, like a wet diaper or teeth or not getting a nap. She is just a delight, ya this is coming from the gramma so I might be a bit biased. lol but I don't think so.
I did this layout for a challenge on 2Ps to use your own handwriting. No this is not my handwriting, I saved this one with Kimberly's font cause no way am I keeping the one with my stinky handwriting on it. Yah, Yah, Yah I know you are supposed to write in your own handwriting now and then but good golly mine is just way to stinky! really it is! :)
Credits are:
Andilynn Designs Kit - Forget me Not
Fonts by Kimberly Geswein - Journaling is 'it and rocket science'
& Daddy's Girl is 'you are loved' with atomic cupcake pristine cupcake action
Shandy Vogt - Got Ads Template
Rhonna Farrer - Snapshot elements - Outside painted edge re-sized
She looks like a sweety and she does look a lot like her daddy.
So sweet Brooke! love the layout and Kaylie is sooo cute. (So is daddy)
Love it! This is just such a sweet layout Brooke! They look so cute together--a real daddy's girl. Is it okay to post this one & the tailored flourish layout on my blog?
I can really see the resemblence in these photo's, what a cutie girl she is !! Saturday is around the corner !!!
Love all of your digital layouts, how will you ever come to a crop again...We will have you set you near a plug in...he he he
This is truely Daddie little girl!
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