Ok, a totally funny layout, Kaylie was just being so silly and we were all just cracking up!! Were my kids so much fun? Probably but I think sometime we are so 'involved' with LIFE we miss the small details. Plus don't ya think we as scrapbookers, photographers and/or history keepers 'seek out' the little details?KWIM? Or maybe it is just because I am a Gramma lol
I know I say this over and over but we just cherish every minute we have with our little red-headed bundle of energy! lol
Love this new sort of serious face she is doing, then she breaks into a big ole smile sort of like she is saying 'Ha, Ha, Just Kidding!!'.
Love this film cluster by Gina Miller, tons of fun to play with :)
Credits are:
Filmstrip frames from Don't be Negative & Paper from Essential Primaries by Gina Miller
fonts Bracket -Broken Ghost - http://www.dafont.com/
Journaling - Joyful Juliana by Kimberly Geswein - http://www.dafont.com/
block CK Big Al - http://www.scrapnfonts.com/
Cute bright layout !!!
Maybe it is just that it has been so long since "OUR PRECIOUS BABIES" were that age !
This doesn't even compare, but I am finding myself anxious to get home to "the mad biting shark of a puppy" after work??
Does this qualify me as a "Grandma"??
I closed the other site. I have most of my freebies up on No Hitch Freebies. Was there something there you wanted that I don't have up at NHF or were you just looking? I had posted I was going to close it but I don't guess many people saw the post. Really I got tired of people asking to join but never going in after I e-mailed them back and added them to the list...........to much time spent doing that...better things to do. I know you went there a lot, checking up on things but you were one of the few who did.
I went clip art shopping today, had to get out of the house. All this rain, day after day...spent way to much money, but I always do on clip art........lol........Let me know if you need back in NHGroup for someting and I will open it up for you.
OH Well, I forgot to tell you how much I like your layout......It is great!
Hi! First of all, thank you for the lovely comment on my blog:-) I couldn't make it yesterday as we had a family dinner...your photos are fantastic as always and I really love the layout with Kaylie, she's such a cutie! I guess grandmas always enjoy more the little happy moments because they're not so busy with the everyday care, lol! How's your son doing with the training of his horse? I'm going riding tomorrow and then on Tuesday I'm off to Prague. Have a great rest of the weekend!
Such an adorable layout! She is just so darn cute I can hardly stand it! Tina and I were just cooing over her cute face in your layout. Love that kid!
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