Sorry it has been another 'gap' in my blogging!! Man we have been busy! But it is good so I am not complaining (well not much anyway). lol
I have wanted to get Kaylie's tree planted since her 1st birthday and she just turned 15 months, so we are only 3 months behind! This is a tradition we wanted to start for all of our Grandkids and since we only have one right now, Kaylie gets to be the 1st!!
We planted a Mimosa / Silk Tree for a few reasons. 1st it blooms around Kaylie's birthday in July so that is fun and 2nd because it is one of her Daddy's favorite trees. You can see it right out of the dinning room and kitchen windows so it will be enjoyable to watch it grow.
I plan on taking a photo of her with it every year to see how much they both have grown!
Speaking of growing, look how big she is getting!! Oh my she is growing up so FAST!

Yep, she knows it is her tree and wants to pull on the leaves already. This will NOT be a tree to hang a swing in! But we do have plenty of Oak Trees for that. :)

Plus I still owe you guys photos of all the cards we have been working on!
Such sweet pics !! What do you mean you are going on vacation !!! I want to go !!
Sweet pictures! Love all the expressions that you got. We used to plant apple trees (at our old house of course! lol) when each child was born. We quit... maybe when the grands start coming we'll start a new tradition.
I love those photos!! What a wonderful tradition to start with Kaylie. She's a doll!!
Look forward to seeing those cards. :o)
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a message,it was just what i needed. Of for my CT scans today, so that they can accuratly stage ther cancer. will keep you posted. WHAT A FANTASIC IDEA... PLANTING A TREEE ... think I will have to do that ...
She's adorable and looks just like her Dad, especially in the eyes. What a great tradition and what a beautiful scenic area you live in. My oldest son was in Oregon last weekend for a conference and he was telling me how environmentally friendly people in Oregon are.
aaaw she is so gorgeous, but ALL Kaylie's are! haha. Great idea with the tree! I love it. Maybe I will do one for each of mine one day? Have a great day chicky.
Ohhhhh, what a beautiful idea, planting a tree. Thanks for visiting my blog, you have some beautiful pages here! :)
what a great series of photos. they capture her wonderfully. and your landscapes! oh, quite lovely!
She is adorable! Those photos are priceless - your place is surely a slice of heaven on earth!
what a fantabulous idea. I love it :)
Thanks for your support for my new store!!! More stuff has been uploaded today. Blinkie is easy, right click on the one at my blog...go to properties...highlight the URL of the pic...then on your blog go to add an element...add a pic. Then use the url you copied from my blinkie!!
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