Thursday, July 17

Our Smokey Valley

This is what our view normally looks like, I took this around the beginning of May. This is what we have been looking at and breathing since the end of June. From all the fires in California, I can't imagine what is must be like to be even closer!

This does not even do it justice, the sun was glowing ORANGE, totally crazy!
I am looking forward to another camping weekend and getting out of the smoke for a bit!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I caught your comment from Bethany's scrap blog! Where are you in Oregon? I am in Chiloquin, by Klamath Falls. We had a lot of smoke too on Monday, it was horrible. It's better now though, I guess the wind shifted that day. We think where we live is a preview of heaven too! lol

Lauren said...

WOW! That's just amazing. I hope it clears up for you soon!

The Clarks said...

Wow ~ that is probably the only thing I don't miss about Oregon . . . the smoke from fires up there can be horrible!

Cheryl said...

Oh my, what a comparison! I never do fully comprehend the fires out west and it always amazes me as we do not have that here.

Stephanie said...

that just craz