Monday, August 24

New York Fun

Just popping in to say Hi for a minute! This was a dinner cruise we took while we were in New Jersey. Oh MY GOSH, it was a WONDERFUL evening and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who is headed to the Big Apple. The cruise line is the Bateaux and this made for a perfect evening! Glass top boat so the views were spectacular no matter where you were setting!!
Rarely do John (Paul's brother) Cynthia (our Sister-in-Law), Paul and I ever get our picture taken together. It was nice to have some time to enjoy each other's company!A Group of us who see each other once or twice a year so it is always nice to catch-up!

It was a warm but overcast evening so it was really hard to get a clear photo of our Lady Liberty

The Brooklyn Bridge, my brother has always called me Brooklyn so it was fun to see this bridge!

Getting close to the bridge was amazing, especially to think of the craftsmanship that went into building it!

LOVED this tugboat! I played a little with some actions to give it a more aged look.

This is looking backwards and it is not the Brooklyn Bridge but I am not quite sure which one it was.

WOW this was just spectacular to see, the Empire State Building at night with the light reflecting off the clouds! AMAZING

Ok, so I admit I totally got tears in my eyes when they played God Bless America as we stopped to pay tribute to our history here. WOW it was really something!

I did not get a really great shot of our boat, but this sort of shows you just how small it was. This trip was truly a trip to remember.

Saturday, August 8

Swim Suit Cutie Pie

I sing 'She wore a itsy bitsy teeny weeny PINK polka dot Bikini' to her every time she puts on her swim suit, she thinks it is pretty funny! Credits:
Most everything by Sue Cummings
Photo Mask - Color Blocks - Background Paper - Flowers
Stamp by Fei Fei's Stuff
Date stamp - Jen Wilson
Font - Brown Bear Funk

We are taking off for a business trip so once again I will be MIA. Thanks for the prayers for my eye, so far it is still the same and I am spending very little time on the computer. No scrapping which is driving me CRAZY. I did this layout way before my eye started acting up.

We are looking forward to the trips this month but good grief I would be nice to have them spaced out a bit further apart! :) We stay home most of the time and then August hits and Ka-BOOM! lol Oh well it is always fun to see new things and to reconnect with old friend! - Later Gators!!

Wednesday, August 5

Jessica Sprague's Class Day 3

More fun with Jessica's class, sure am glad I can go back and do it 'after the fact'! lol I LOVE this shot of Kaylie 'Driving' the tractor, they are barely moving but she is turning the wheel so she is driving. She is in the 'watch me' stage now so I kept hearing watch me drive the tractor Nami!!

Auntie Amber reading to Kaylie, who you can tell just woke up from her nap(Kaylie that is lol)

Kaylie running around like a crazy girl!