Tuesday, January 29

I won a $10 Gift Certificate!!

WOO HOO I won a $10 Gift Certificate from Gina Huff's blog!
I am so excited I get $5.00 at each store, Weeds and Wildflowers and at the new Prima Hybrid store!! How happy can this girl be????? Everything is listed at the WW shoppe but some things are only sold at Prima Hybrid so there are links that take you to the item. Seems like everything I am looking at is over at Prima! But since I love WW I know I will find something wonderful there too.

Love this Wrinkled Paper, just look at the detail!

or this corduroy paper set

But what I am really leaning towards is this Vintage Comfort Kit! Oh my just look at this little BEAUTY :)

Thursday, January 24


I think I worked longer on this layout than I ever worked on a paper layout! OH GOOD GOLLY, do you ever just look at a layout and continue to pick it apart? WHEW glad I have it posted cause that way I won't keep tweaking it. The good thing is I did have a blast playing with all of the fun elements, paper and of course BLING, just wish I could scrap all day instead of having to WORK. I simply LOVE Flergs stuff :) But then I have said that a few times before lol.

For those of you that know me IRL you know I am not a real 'confident' scrapper, I have been asked to teach a couple of projects I did but I am not real good at 'putting myself OUT THERE' lol So you will be totally shocked to learn I am trying for a spot on Flergs CT!!! YEP can you believe it, Carma, Valerie, Laura when you read this you guys are going to go into shock! lol ha ha Even if I don't make it, I am still really happy with the layout :) How could I go wrong after all I have a cutie to use photos of and lots of fun goodies to scrap with! Amber and I are going to scrap this weekend, I am TOTALLY looking forward to it. Seems like it has been forever since we have taken a play day.

Kaylie was such a hoot tonight, she kept making a frownie face, then she would laugh. We were all cracking up, which of course just made her sillier!

Flergs Strawberry delight kit - Chocolate Berry Glitter Style
Everything is by Flergs except for the staple which is by Katie Hadfield, I recolored the ribbon and put some of Flergs 'bling' on it but it is so small I am not sure if you can even see the bling! I used an Atomic Cupcake Action on the word-art and a bit of a Jason Gaylor(Designfruit) brush

Monday, January 14

Sweet, Sweet Little Girl

She seems to be saying 'Ok Daddy, I can do it' when in reality she will not get on the horse unless her Daddy is right there with her :) Just a cute photo of Little Miss Kaylie and her Daddy.
Can you tell Justin came straight home from work?This is just to sweet for words, Kaylie giving Grampa a kiss
I missed the kiss so I said, Oh Kaylie give Grampa another Kiss, which she promptly leaned over and gave Paul another smackaroo! I just love it when I catch precious moments like this :)
Yep, ya just have to deal with my sweet sentimental photos today :)

Tuesday, January 8


Christmas Eve was extra extra special this year at our house. 1st it is the Evening before the birth of our Lord. 2nd Kaylie spent the day with us so that of course was beyond fabulous and 3rd Justin finally had the chance to have Kaylie Dedicated at our Church! We go to a Church here called 'Simple Faith' and it is a Bible based Church, which means the teachings are directly out of the Bible and not mans interpretation. Really it is like a big bible study, our Pastor has a passion that is contagious and he has a silly sense of humor, it fits us perfectly :) He is always talking about the CRAZY CRAZY things he did as a kid, he reminds me so much of Justin! lol We do a dedication instead of a baptism when the kids are babies. Basically an outward sign that we plan on raising the child in God's word and let them choose to be baptised when they are old enough to make that choice themselves. Ok so that is the background for this layout lol
As most of you know Kaylie's parents split up before she was born and we do not get very much time with her. We are in the process of trying to get more time but that unfortunately is a long drawn out process that I just do not understand. Kaylie is 1 1/2 now and I have never had the chance to just be 'Grami', because anytime we have her Justin of course is wanting time with her. Which I am glad he is so in love with his daughter, don't get me wrong. I guess I am greedy :) and would just time with her too! Ok, this is what happens when I think about this to much, I get all emotional. Best to stay on the positive side and know it will all work out! WHEW I need to have at least one cup of coffee before I do any typing on this blog! Hug your kiddos and even when they are being major pains in your rears remember to smooch on them!
Glitter style on the title by Flergs
Quick Page is also by Flergs from the free Whimsical Wonderland kit
(Flergs aka Megan is one of my most favorite designers!!)
Date stamp by Christy Lyle of the sweet shoppe

Monday, January 7

A new look

Why is it whenever I change my header it seems that everything else wants to switch around too? GOOD GRIEF!

Oh well I love these photos of Justin and Kaylie. She LOVES to be held upside down and to be tickled so both of these are photos that just make my heart smile :)

I used TON of stuff on this one

Credits are:

Carrie Bombria - Stitching Cinnamon Nutmeg

Flergs - Glitter Style

Gina Cabrera - Extreme_Grunge_Paper_Pack & Glitter Frames with Flergs Glitter style

Jeannette Gaidecki - Sally kit

Kate Hadfield - Festive rubber bands & staples

Michelle Coleman - Little Dreamer Designs Painted Hearts

Natasha Whiteley - Clock face

Shandy Vogt - Vintage Florals recolored

Tracy Ann Digital Art -Frippery Mix & Bits & Music & Dollar Flowers

Ursula Schneider - Grunge Guru

Sunday, January 6

Some Christmas Decorations

Here are some of my Favorite and or Special Christmas Decorations. This Santa Wreath was made for me by my great friend Linda. Is this not just stunning, she GAVE it to me for Christmas about 8 years ago and it is still one of my Favorite decorations! Kaylie likes the little red birds, she looks at it and chirps! lolSome of my favorite Snowmen, I have a huge love affair with snowmen, most of my friends know this and tend to feed my obsession!
I decorated an entire tree for the Nursery one year with white teddy bears that I either put poinsettia 'collars' on, little red jackets or had them holding small wrapped packages. When the tree came down at the end of the Christmas Season I grabbed all my bears! Now they live on our tree at home during Christmas. We always have a noble or a silver tip so the big bears are great for filling in any 'open' spots!
This is what I would see before I headed up the stairs for bed at night

(right before I unplugged it)

I don't know why but this one has just always made me smile :)
I have always LOVED BASIC GREY, I think they make the BEST rub-ons.

This one just makes me giggle!

I was so dang disappointed this year when Basic Grey didn't come

out with fun seasonal rub-ons :( Now I wish I had stocked up on the old ones.

I have 5 mini 'Disco' balls on my tree. These are ornaments our daughter gave me when she was a freshman in college. This was really the 1st year she was on her own and bought Christmas gifts with money she made while working part time at the mall. I will always love these :) and they make some great sparkly patterns when the lights hit them just right!!
Every year I have to make some kind of ornament, it is just not Christmas unless I do! This is one of my 'Hybrid' projects before I even knew what 'Hybrid' was! lol It was a super super simple ornament but when you add a bit of clear diamond glaze over a few places it really gave it some pizazz!
Back in my painting days I made a batch of these!
A little slice of my tree, a painted snowman from my friend Julie, one of my tiny bears. A painted sleigh by my Momma (still miss you like crazy Mom)

I love the red berries, I just put them here and there all over the tree, one of the Disco balls, a couple red balls with the 'good' Basic Grey rub-ons and a fancy red ornament I picked up with my daughter last year or the year before at the after Christmas sale at Pier One.

My candle stick Santa's, a great find at Costco a couple of years ago!

The Angel letters on my stairs. They are really Shabby Chic and I totally found them by accident 50% off. Totally tickled me!!
Kitchen decorations, this is a Hurricane Lamp that was a Gift from Mark and Jini about

4 or 5 years ago. I have always really liked it, but this year it really just 'fit'

and looked so cool in my kitchen!!This is something I have always wanted in a kitchen! lol It might be silly but I have always wanted 'floating' cabinets so I could put fun stuff on top of them! LOVE LOVE LOVE ITI had to leave you with this photo. We picked this up at the Saint Mary's Christmas Bazaar about 5 years ago and I think it is so appropriate. We need to remember that it is all good and fine to enjoy the fun Decorations of the Season but always always remember
the true Reason for the Season!
WHEW are you on overload now!! :)

The black Frames on all my photos are actions by Natasha Whitley at DSSA

Saturday, January 5

Christmas Goodies

I am FINALLY posting some of the goodies I made this year for Christmas. My 'always make at Christmas' goodies are Almond Roca and Peanut Brittle. I always make these for a couple of reasons. I don't eat these so it is safe to have them around! lol Seriously if I can leave them alone then I can have them in the house, that is why I don't make fudge! I don't want to be wearing it for the next 6 months! ha ha Plus these are Family recipes, so I always remember having them at Christmas growing up. Like a dummy I forgot to take a photo of the Peanut Brittle but did get a shot of the Almond Roca This stuff is AMAZING, Crazy easy, SUPER SUPER GOOD and it totally baffles anyone you give it to. Homemade Caramel that is already canned! hmmmm how does it work? I picked this one up from Kayla Lamoreaux and it will be one I do every year from now on! I happen to LOVE this one and it would not be a pretty site if I had this on hand all the time. hee hee The good thing is, it is in a sealed can so you don't go by and just Munch on it all day! (Thank Heavens) lol
These pretty little cookies are another new one for me this year. I picked up this idea from Valerie Fowler, I love that they are cute and tasty! My Grandmother was here this year during Christmas and she unwrapped all the peanut butter cups for me. Which of course saved me a bunch of time, oh and remember my Gramma is 95!! :) Paul was my taste tester for this and he gave it a thumbs up! He is a fan of Chocolate and peanut butter, which is not high on my list so yep another 'safe' one for me
One year I made these chocolate covered Cherry balls, I got the recipe from my long time face friend Andrea. Let me tell you, I only made them one year. They were soooo good, oh my gosh! The big problem was THEY WERE TO DANG GOOD!! lol I think I ate 3/4 of them and no I am not kidding. YIKES Whew, never never made them again either. :)
While I realize everyone else is on to New Years stuff, I am still playing catch-up! So tomorrow will probably be some of the decorations we had in our house this year. Or Photos of little Miss Kaylie on Christmas Eve!
Edited to add: Oh my gosh I totally forgot to credit for the frames and I looked it up before I posted so I would remember! Thank Kathleen for the request so I woke up! :)
Frames from Sleigh Bells Ring kit by Traci Reed and Dani Magstad at Sweet Shoppe Designs

Friday, January 4

Board Book

I forgot to take a photo of the board book before I sent it off but here are the pages I made for my Brother and Sister in Law for Christmas. Photos of their kids and their grandbaby. Don't we all love photos of the kids and grandkids? How could I go wrong? lol Yep they really liked it and it was easy with as many cuties as I had to scrap! We are a close family and I dearly love each and everyone so this was lots of fun for me to put together.
This is the front cover a bit of everyone, even their new puppy!
Credits: Template by KSharonK of Two Little Pixels

Credits: QP by Kristin Tilley at Sweet Shoppe Designs Font Cocktail Bubbly

Credits: Word art by Tina Chambers at scrapbook elements / Frame by Rhonna Farrer
Background paper by Jackie Eckles at Little dreamer designs August grab bag
Grid & Staples by KSharon of Two Little Pixels / Unadored - Circle from Scruffy
Christine Smith Inked Circles / Jen Wilson Word strips & Month toppers

Just arriving at the Hospital to give birth to Carson Paul Fransen. This is Rocky's (my Brother) oldest daughter Cristin and her Hubby Mitch

Credits: QP by Shabby Princess Cuddle bug album

This is my Brother and my Sister in Law, cute couple don't ya think! The bottom left photo is 5 generations, My Dad is 74 and his Mom, my Grandmother is 95! Pretty darn amazing I think.

Credits: Tracy Ann Digital Arts Snug Papers

Ashley (the baby of the family) and her hubby Ryan. They came down and helped us frame our house. Ryan is the 1st person I have ever met that can outwork my husband!Credits: QP by wyowoman Kristin Tilley in Memory of Miles Kit

Credits: Paper Flourish & word art by Anne deJong at Funky Playground Designs
Date Stamp by Sherri Tierney at Elemental Scraps
Background paper The Headlines by Gina Cabrera at Digital Design Essentials

Credits: QP by Christina Renee French Countryside

100% Boy by Eve Recinella Simple Sayings at Sweet Shoppe Designs

Credits: QP by Lisa Riordan at O Scraps / Wordart by me :)

Credits:QP by Jenn Caputo at Sweet Shoppe Designs

Credits: QP by Davita from In Memory of Miles kit

Credits: QP by CYork In memory of Miles Kit

Their middle child, Timothy with his girlfriend Jackie. Tim has an awful lot of the same tendencies as my brother. Athletic, a crazy neatnik with a totally soft heart :)
Credits: QP by Cathy Pascual in Memory of Miles Kit

This is the back cover, isn't Carson just to stinking cute! He really smiles all the time, just makes you smile and giggle cause he is :)

Credits: QP by Shabby Princess Cuddle bug album it is actually the pinwheel template

I would totally share my wordart (the moment they placed you into my arms you snuggled right into my Heart) with anyone that made it this far, if I knew how! I can always email you a png file if anyone is interested! WHEW I know that was a LOT to look at especially after such a long blog absence from me! :)