Finally I am back! WHEW now to catch up!
Here is Justin rototilling the ground for our corn patch. We really need a bigger tiller but we have so dang many rocks. I figure each year it will be a little bit better.

Ok, well we ended up renting a tiller because the little one we have just bounced around on top of the ground! lol Notice how Fleeta is watching Justin, I swear if we let her out she would follow Justin around like a puppy!

I Planted 6 rows of corn so we ended up with 50-60 stalks, I am hoping for better success than last year! Isn't my garden helper a cutie :)

We planted 8 tomatoes this year, crazy I know but I wanted to try some different varieties.

a Goliath that Harold Simons gave us
a sweet 100 Cherry tomato
a Sungold cherry tomatoes (these are so sweet they are like Garden Candy)!! I circled the ones that are almost ripe, they really are a golden color and oh so yummy!

Heritage tomatoes:
Brandywine, does anyone else think this tomato plant is odd looking? The leaves do not even look like a tomato plant.

Now this is a normal tomato leaf!

Black Russian
Purple Cherokee
Green Zebra

I don't remember how many peppers total but these are the varieties
Banana Peppers - Serrano - Thai Hot - Habanero - Jalapeno - Cayenne
a couple of pumpkins
3 burp less cucumbers
2 Lemon Cucumbers
3 or 4 Cantaloupe
3 or 4 watermelon
1 Honeydew
1 Delicata Squash because I was talking with a customer who said I would love this squash, so I told him I would plant it and let him know! lol Something is chewing on it and that totally ticks me off! We just sprayed with Dr Earth (all natural) So I hope that will take care of the nibbling. Plus we needed to spray for the cucumber beetles cause they are thick this year.
Edited to Add: To my GREAT disappointment my Delicata Squash turned out to be a zucchini and I DO NOT LIKE ZUCCHINI!! I double checked the label and it says Delicata, so I am hoping this was a freak mistake by the grower and I truly hope no one else got the wrong squash from the nursery!! YIKES bad enough for me to be disappointed but for someone else to, that would be awful. We did plant a bunch in the nursery garden so if anyone else got the wrong squash at least they can have a couple of the right ones!!
I think we should have a BUMPER CROP THIS YEAR !!

This was the corn patch this morning, it is almost up to my waist!
Who is ready for some fresh produce??

Well besides this little muncher, she loves fresh fruit and fresh veggies!