Saturday, October 27
Card Making
Thursday, October 25
My Drive to work thru the Fall Splendor

Tuesday, October 23
Up and Running week 2
For example
1 - I never knew that if you held down the shift key the hand would pop up and move things around, that is cool!
2 - I had never used 'stroke' and that is a simple cool feature
3 - The preserve Transparency in the fill, ok so that seems simple but I had never found that one before!
Ok those are the only ones that pop into my brain right now but I am totally loving this class!
I sort of felt weird taking a beginning class because I am not technically a beginner anymore, but I have soooo much to learn!

Kaylie is really 'into' making faces right now, the more reaction she gets the better. So of course she has fun making faces at her Daddy and gramma because we are totally entertained by everything she does! :)
Monday, October 22
Carson Paul

Just a couple of shots of the Fall beauty in my Brother and Sister in Law's yard

Thursday, October 18

Tuesday, October 16
Week ONE of Up & Running with Jessica Sprague

Friday, October 12
My Weeds and Wildflower Challenge Layout
Thursday, October 11
These Freebies are just Too Great To MISS!!
I am sooo doing this one, after all we ALL have women in our lives that have

Ok that is all the eye candy for this morning :) get to creating!!
Wednesday, October 10
Super Quick Survey
Oktoberfest 2007!

Bill and Cynthia from Hillcrest Orchard in Medford did Pear tasting on Saturday and had their info for Holiday Gift Baskets, which added to the festivities!! Right there with Hillcrest Orchard is Roxy Ann Winery so you get a bit of the fruit of the Orchard and a bit of the fruit of the Grape!! lol I love their Viognier, one of my favorite white wines and their claret is the one Red wine that I really enjoy.

Autumn from Paschal Winery took care of the wine tasting and we all know how much everyone loves wine tasting!! If you are ever in the area this is another fabulous winery to visit, they have one of the prettiest spots for their winery and the tasting room is fabulous! They also have some of the CUTEST TEE SHIRTS, one says 'Group Therapy' and it is 3 different glasses of wine! All done on a black tee shirt and the wine is done in those little crystals totally adorable!

Adam taking the Hyde family on a Hay ride. This is one of our favorite families!!

Thursday, October 4
Outside my box and a FREEBIE
Even if no one wants it!! This just tickles me :)
This is once again the view off our deck. I just loved the rainbow and had such a feeling of comfort at seeing it, I always do.
While I was trying to remember the name of the song by Chris Tomlin. I was inspired to REALLY jump out of my box and work on this layout. I have been wanting to dry the photo blending and it was a blast!! Look out because I will be doing MORE of this :) and I know Amber is going to love it too. She has lots of photos with great backgrounds because they go 'wheeling' out in the boonies!
So here is my 1st attempt at sharing something with you all(hee hee all 5 or 6 of you!!). Since I don't have 4 shared figured out and it is just one png file I think (and the key word here is THINK) I can just have it in this post and you can 'right click' on it to save it to your computer. I will give Amber a call and see if she can test this for me. Oh it was created in CS2 but I think since it is a png it will be ok for everyone? Once again that ummm.... THINK.... word comes into play!!
*Edited to add: Just right click on the wordart and do a 'save as' to your computer. It is a png file so it should work. :) OOPS I forgot to save it with a transparent background!! What a dork I am!! I am at work but will fix it as soon as I get home, SO SORRY!!!!
Credits are:
Gina Cabrera: Extreme Grunge Paper Pack Essential which I just picked up because Kayla pointed it out to me!! I LOVE it, I re-colored it so the tones would match my photo but it was super easy!! :)
Jen Caputo: Triple hole scallops
Jen Wilson: 29 & Co Flourish Stamps
Kim Broedelet: Ribbon (recolored)
Natasha Whitley: Photo Action Retro Acid
Word art by me :)