Ok So Beth Tagged me and then Kayla Tagged me! So how funny is that,
I have never been tagged before and now twice in one week!
But you can't have a post without a picture so here is a picture of my planter
after the squirrels ate all the leaves off my sweet potato vine!
It was lush and beautiful just a few days ago!!! :(
So here are the 7 things you might not know about me for Beth
1. I was born in Eastern Oregon in a little town called Condon. In a clinic because there was not a hospital close by. I am VERY careful when I say where I was born, ya know c o n d o N hee hee
2. Scrapbooking is the craft I have stuck with the longest(there have been MANY others), I think because there is always something new and I am now doing digital so that is another twist.3. My initials as a kid were BM and after I married they changed to BS!
4. I have a totally ridiculous fear of bugs, I mean REALLY over the top!
5. For almost 30 years now I have been married to my best friend.
6. My 1st name is Jennifer, my Dad only let my Mom name me that if I didn't go by it. He was afraid I would be called Jenny for some silly reason (he said a jenny was a mule) lol7. I have never met Beth IRL but consider her a true and life long friend. :)

One more Photo just to keep you looking since my random things are a bit Hokey (like me) and maybe just a bit boring. But hey I yam what I yam! lol
Sunset from Sunday evening, I just loved the way the sun's rays are fanning out. I never see rays like this that I don't think of the love our Heavenly Father has for us :)
Now for the 8 Random things for Kayla's Tag, but 1st I have to say Kayla is a new friend of mine. In fact I just met her on her blog less than a month ago. She is super generous sharing her vast knowledge of Photoshop and always posts great photos!
1. I am a MAJOR sucker for a sale! Give me 40-50% off and I am all over it, even if I don't NEED it :)
2. I HATE confrontations and will do just about anything to avoid one. I am such a weenie
3. I really want Kayla to come to my house and teach me all kinds of cool Photoshop stuff :) But I guess I will settle for reading all sorts of cool new things on her blog! lol
4. One of my most favorite things to do is to float on a floatie in the water and read. Golly I have not had one of those days in forever.
5. Ok so you all probably know this one but I melt like butter when my little grand daughter puts her arms out for me to take her! Oh sooooo wonderful
6. I love to organize things, especially if I can label them! he he he
7. Doing things with my kidlet makes me happy, love that she is an adult now and I can now be her friend. We have fun no matter what we do, from staining her bed that Papa made for her to shopping (she is really patient :) with me) to scrapbooking.
8. I snore , yep there I said it! I snore when I sleep, something I don't ever think I would have known if we hadn't been on a family trip in Europe and all sleeping in the same room. Amber and Justin had to wear earplugs! Thank heavens Paul is a heavy sleeper cause he didn't seem to even notice it! :)
Whew that was harder than I thought it would be! So if you made it this far then you are a saint! lol So I am going to tag Amber, Ann, Debby, Lucie, Laura and Shandy. Cause I love finding out random things! Now if I were really cool I would know how to highlight their names so you could click on them and go straight to their blogs. But since I don't know how, well I will just put the links in :)Amber - http://brightbeginningsoregon.blogspot.com/Ann - http://crzymomstidbits.blogspot.com/Debby - http://without-a-hitch.blogspot.com/Laura - http://lakerplunk.blogspot.com/Lucie - http://lemonaidlucydesigns.blogspot.com/Shandy - http://digitizedcreations.blogspot.com/Now let's see what random things we find out about these ladies!