Monday, July 30

Diving in!

Here is the 1st of the birthday layouts, yes there will be MANY more to come but I am SLOW!!!!

Journaling reads:
You dived in without a moments hesitation! Then you made and awful face, like you were eating lemons. We think it was the cold icing cause it really didn't slow you down!

But it totally cracked us up!

Shandy Vogt: Template Got Pix Volume 2- Swass Swirls - Swass 4 words
GAB happy scrap: 'Simplicity kit'
Minna Rajala Mira Designs: 'Funky Felt Borders'
Michelle Coleman: Hand Stamped Kimberly Geswein - Date font Color me Purple
Journaling font - 'CBX Watson'

Sunday, July 29

Kaylie and the cake 'The beginning'

Love the look on her face here, like Oh, is that really for me!?! She did not hesitate one moment, man she just dived right in!

Tons and tons of fun and I am just pooped! But wanted to post one quick photo of the day. I have 167 photos so you know you will be seeing LOTS of birthday pictures.

Plus Amber took a video of the whole thing! :) so LOOK OUT! lol

Friday, July 27

Kaylie's Birthday Invitation

Sorry I have been so lame in my posting! Seems like the days just fly by :)

So I don't ever do 8 x 10 layouts but this one I just loved. I was looking for an idea for Kaylie's Birthday invitation so this worked perfectly for me.

We are having her party tomorrow so know there will be lots of photos coming :)

Credits are:

Template_Di Hickman

Cuddlebug kit_Shabby Princess

Swass Swirl_Shandy Vogt

Hand Stamped Alpha Brushes_Michelle Coleman

Thursday, July 19


Ok So Beth Tagged me and then Kayla Tagged me! So how funny is that,

I have never been tagged before and now twice in one week!

But you can't have a post without a picture so here is a picture of my planter

after the squirrels ate all the leaves off my sweet potato vine!

It was lush and beautiful just a few days ago!!! :(

So here are the 7 things you might not know about me for Beth

1. I was born in Eastern Oregon in a little town called Condon. In a clinic because there was not a hospital close by. I am VERY careful when I say where I was born, ya know c o n d o N hee hee

2. Scrapbooking is the craft I have stuck with the longest(there have been MANY others), I think because there is always something new and I am now doing digital so that is another twist.

3. My initials as a kid were BM and after I married they changed to BS!

4. I have a totally ridiculous fear of bugs, I mean REALLY over the top!

5. For almost 30 years now I have been married to my best friend.

6. My 1st name is Jennifer, my Dad only let my Mom name me that if I didn't go by it. He was afraid I would be called Jenny for some silly reason (he said a jenny was a mule) lol

7. I have never met Beth IRL but consider her a true and life long friend. :)

One more Photo just to keep you looking since my random things are a bit Hokey (like me) and maybe just a bit boring. But hey I yam what I yam! lol

Sunset from Sunday evening, I just loved the way the sun's rays are fanning out. I never see rays like this that I don't think of the love our Heavenly Father has for us :)

Now for the 8 Random things for Kayla's Tag, but 1st I have to say Kayla is a new friend of mine. In fact I just met her on her blog less than a month ago. She is super generous sharing her vast knowledge of Photoshop and always posts great photos!

1. I am a MAJOR sucker for a sale! Give me 40-50% off and I am all over it, even if I don't NEED it :)

2. I HATE confrontations and will do just about anything to avoid one. I am such a weenie

3. I really want Kayla to come to my house and teach me all kinds of cool Photoshop stuff :) But I guess I will settle for reading all sorts of cool new things on her blog! lol

4. One of my most favorite things to do is to float on a floatie in the water and read. Golly I have not had one of those days in forever.

5. Ok so you all probably know this one but I melt like butter when my little grand daughter puts her arms out for me to take her! Oh sooooo wonderful

6. I love to organize things, especially if I can label them! he he he

7. Doing things with my kidlet makes me happy, love that she is an adult now and I can now be her friend. We have fun no matter what we do, from staining her bed that Papa made for her to shopping (she is really patient :) with me) to scrapbooking.

8. I snore , yep there I said it! I snore when I sleep, something I don't ever think I would have known if we hadn't been on a family trip in Europe and all sleeping in the same room. Amber and Justin had to wear earplugs! Thank heavens Paul is a heavy sleeper cause he didn't seem to even notice it! :)

Whew that was harder than I thought it would be! So if you made it this far then you are a saint! lol So I am going to tag Amber, Ann, Debby, Lucie, Laura and Shandy. Cause I love finding out random things! Now if I were really cool I would know how to highlight their names so you could click on them and go straight to their blogs. But since I don't know how, well I will just put the links in :)

Amber -
Ann -
Debby -
Laura -
Lucie -
Shandy -
Now let's see what random things we find out about these ladies!

Sunday, July 15


I LOVE sunsets and we have some of the most spectacular ones here in the Summer.
This was taken off our deck, just had to share :)

Saturday, July 14

One last Good bye

I have been wanting to blog about
this but I get all choked up. This was my grandparents home. I have spent soooo many hours in this house :) I am one of those really really lucky kids who had grandparents who loved me and would do anything for me. Not like spoil me rotten anything I wanted, but anything I really NEEDED. KWIM?
My gramma has lived here alone since my grandpa passed away, over 20 years ago. My gramma is 95 and has amazing wisdom, plus plenty of piss and vinegar too! I do hope I have a lot of her genes!! :)

She has just moved into an assisted living place over by my brother. A beautiful place, but it is not 'her home'. I can only imagine what a difficult transition this was for her. We needed to go up to her place one last time and deal with the things she no longer needs. It was so hard to walk into her house and not have her there, not have it feel like her. I doubt if I will ever go back to Sweet Home, where I grew up. Do you understand the feeling?

Then we went to the private christian school my Mom started. She was an amazing Mom, Wife, DIL, Friend and Teacher. I miss her so much, she so would have loved being a great-gramma to Kaylie. When my mom retired her close friend took over the school. She has this plaque in the entry way of my beautiful mother. It was great to see what all Anita has done with the school, moved it from the church into a great building of it's own. Added more classes and teachers, Man mom would have loved it!

So since my Dad is living with us, my Mom is waiting in Heaven and my Gramma has moved, I just don't see myself going back to my home town. I guess I just felt like I needed to get this written down. Great great memories in Sweet Home and a super place to raise a family. Just not home anymore :)

Ok I promise a happier topic on my next blog!

Thursday, July 5

Freedom on the 4th of July

We had a really mellow 4th, which was nice with as busy as we have been!
I was hoping for a better shot of these flyer's when the went past but this was the best I got.
I know no everyone feels the same about politics but these guys protect our right to have different opinions!
Love to see them go by, makes my heart swell.
I had to put this together REALLY quickly so I can join in on Shandy's Challenge!
Credits are:
Shandy Vogt: Template and Freedom
Melissa Renfro: Glittery star Special Scrapgirls
Edgy Diane Miller Scrapgirls
Fonts - Date: LB Sandbox - Journaling: Dauphin - Title: Artstamp Medium from DaFont

Sunday, July 1

Baby Birds

We noticed these baby birds from our upstairs bathroom window on June 25th. Funny that had not seen them earlier but I guess that is God's Camaflouge at work! Oh my gosh how much fun this has been for us to get such a close view of them.

They are Western Kingbirds and I only know that because I Googled them. lol My Mom was the real birder and now of course since she is gone, I so wish I had paid closer attention.

But they only stay in the nest for 10-14 day before they are ready to fly off! How CRAZY is that. All have flown away and back except for one that is having some problems getting off the branch. I am hoping it takes off soon.
ETA: They all made it out of the nest yesterday and this morning they are all gone! :( Funny, but I miss them! I really don't know much about bird and didn't realize that they would not be coming back at all! Poopers! Oh well now to watch the turtledove in the tree off the deck :)

This layout is for Bren Taylor Boone's color challenge. Man I really want her 4th of July kit!

I did some Digi shopping today and if anyone is thinking about getting Shandy Vogt's Grab bag, all I can say is RUN, I tell you Run do not walk to get it. It is worth WAY more than the $2 and that cool journal box is from it. Ok so I just gave part of it away but that is just a teaser!!

Credits are:
Shandy Vogt - Scalloped Edge Template - Swass words journaling box & Swass Swirls

Jessica Sprague's - Beautiful You kit (papers) that was a NSD Freebie from Creating Keepsakes and her grunge photo template from one of her awesome Photoshop Friday's.