This is a page I have had finished for quite a while but it just needed something else. I finally tried my hand at some word art, might not be totally cool but it fit what I needed. Sarah of 'Simply Sarah' is what inspired me. I LOVE this layout she did, it simply took my breath away!!
Kaylie is growing like crazy and walking all over the place. Love that little button so much :) I know every Gramma feels this way but sometimes I think I could just pop with love for her! Whew I really got it bad! lol
We are gearing up for the Fall Season at work, seems like we just finished with Spring and now it is Fall! I love the crisp weather of Fall, but then I really love the changing seasons. Fall just seems to be my favorite, or at least it is right now! lol
Route 5 Scrapbook Retreat is right around the corner and we are sure looking forward to all that fun! I think they only have 4 or 5 tickets left. Pretty cool for our little corner of the world.
Well that is about all my news, I am going to take Monday off and I think Amber is going to come over and scrap with me. Totally looking forward to a full day of scrapping, it has been WAY to long!
Credits are:
Tracy Blankenship Template and a total 'lift' of one of her layouts from back the beginning of June!
Funky Playground designs June Kit
Word art by me but inspired by 'Simply Sarah'
Christine Smith Inked Circle Edge
Atomic Cupcake Pristine Chipboard Action